Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Just Can Dreams To Get Her

Why you not replay my message?
I be afraid when you not replay my message
Because you part of my life

You always give me smile
And you that first talk to me in private class

Since then, i feels wanna near with you
I want to be your best friend
And last your Boy Friend

Before it, I ever dreaming you
In my dreams, us fall in love and s that feel very near

But... Dreams still Dreams
Because i just can dreams to get you

It must hard to get you
So much people want to get you
He is more........ than me
And i know it's true

And... not long time again....
Us must leave
I regret i new know you

I know my english words not perfect than you
But, i'll improve it

Maybe... I gotta just dreams
Yeah, Dreams.... Dreams..... and Dreams



  1. Minta tlong dong. bgmn caranya buat scrolling led seperti di blog ini.
    saya dah nyoba kopi scriptnya, tapi pas di pasang di blog saya, kok textnya ndak berubah... sekaligus cara edit text runningnya

  2. gimana cara bikin scrolling led? yang lengkap ya
