Friday, October 22, 2021

List of Kanji for Haram and Doubted Ingredients

List of Kanji for Haram and Doubted Ingredients

​Haram Ingredients:

No. Japanese = Reading = Meaning

豚肉 - ポーク= Butaniku = Pooku = Pork

牛肉 - ビーフ = Gyuuniku = Biifu = Beef

鶏肉 - チキン = Toriniku = Chikin = Chicken

(No. 1~3) + エキス (No. 1~3) + Ekisu (No. 1~3) + Extract

豚脂 = Tonshi = Pork = Fat

ラード = Raado = Lard

牛脂 = Gyuushi = Beef Fat

動物性油脂 = Doubutsusei-yushi = Animal fat

加工油脂 = Kakou-yushi = Processed Fat

混合油脂 = Kongou-yushi = Mixed Fat

コンソメ = Konsome = Consommé (soup)

コンソメパウダー = Konsome Paudaa = Consommé Powder

ゼラチン = Zerachin = Gelatine

アルコール = Arukooru = Alcohol

酒 = Sake = Sake (alcohol)

洋酒 = Youshu = Western Liquor

酒精 = Shusei = Ethyl Alcohol

みりん/ 味醂 = Mirin = Mirin (alcohol)

ラム酒 = Ramu-shu = Rum

ワイン = Wain = Wine

ブランディ = Burandi = Brandy

ウィスキー = Uisukii = Whiskey

Syubhat / Doubted Ingredients:

ショートニング = Shortening: It is a fat that can be Lard (Haram). If it is written that the source is vegetable oil (大豆由来 = Daizu Yurai ), then it’s Halal.

醤油/しょうゆ = Soy sauce: Many types contain alcohol.

乳化剤 = Emulsifier: It can be from animal derived. If it is written that the source is vegetable oil (大豆由来 = Daizu Yurai), then it’s Halal.

マーガリン = Margarine: Butter substitutes produced from Pork. Plant-Margarine is Halal.

油脂 = Fat: Most of the cases, fat comes from animal and is Haram to consume. Vegetable driven fat is Halal.

ファットスプレッド = Fat Spread: Most of the cases, fat comes from animal and is Haram to consume. Vegetable driven fat is Halal.

コラーゲンペプチド = Collagen Peptide: It can be derived from fish or animal (pork, beef, chicken)​. 

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